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Price Twine

By Brooke Price 

Do not represent yourself.  No matter what you have been arrested for and charged with, your first step should be to seek legal counsel. Hiring an attorney that you trust can help you know your rights, understand the possible outcomes, and mitigate the possible consequences as much as possible.  Attorney’s fees are worth every penny when your freedom and future job prospects are on the line.

Do not assume a first offender program or another program will be best for you. Consult with your attorney and explore every option.  More and more counties are offering first offender programs, but a program may not be the best possible outcome for your case. Your attorney needs to examine evidence, talk to professionals, and do research before you commit to anything. The attorneys at Price & Wiggins, P.C. may be able to get the outcome you want, like a dismissal, without the use of a program.

Furthermore, many programs use assessments and other screening criteria before you can be approved. An experienced attorney can even help you navigate the assessment process and program paperwork with more confidence than you would on your own.

Do not give up.  It’s easy to become overwhelmed when you’re finding a lawyer, appearing for court, and trying to balance home expenses with attorney fees. A good attorney should be understanding and give you some peace of mind that they are tirelessly working to get your case resolved.  Be proactive about your case, communicate with your lawyer, and do not give into negative thoughts.

You don’t have to go through this alone.  We want to help you receive the best possible outcome for your situation.  If you’ve been arrested for the first time in Williamson County, call Price & Wiggins, P.C., so that we can review your case.